Friday, April 27, 2012

It's Friday again

1. Do you make your kids finish all the food on their plates?  I think I did make Zach do it when he was younger although I don't now with Emma.  She's one of those kids that if she's hungry she eats all day and if she's not it won't matter what is on the plate because she's not eating.

2. Do you give an allowance?  No, we never did.

3. Do you actually park your car in the garage?  Yes, every day.  Hubby has a truck and it wouldn't fit. :-)

4. What is one food you will NEVER cook?  I know it says one but I have a few....rice..brussel sprouts....both things I don't like.  Ewwww

5. Do you have anything exciting planned for the summer?  Just spending as much time as possible with Emma and hopefully enjoying our pool. No vacation since we'll have the wedding next summer.

So join in on these's really quite painless.  LOL  They can be found at My Little Life.

WW hasn't been going so good.  I've gained the past 2 weeks.  Just a small amount but it is a gain.  Boy, is it hard this time!!!  *sigh*

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